Granduca motorhome windows

Granduca is part of Roller Team.
Granduca logo, caravan company

Founded in 1948 as part of the Sairauto company, a family business run by Giorgio Toniolo. In the early sixties there is also a factory in Spain and from 1974 the company has a license for production in Lommel (B). In 1976, total production was 11,000 units and it is strongly focused on export. In 1985, the Italian factory was hit by a hailstorm that severely damaged 2000 caravans on the outside area. It is not insured. In 1989 the factory went bankrupt and it was continued by the staff in a cooperative (Caravan e Autocaravan Soc coop r.l.). Since 1999 daughter of Trigano. 

Ordering caravanwindow for Granduca

Does your Granduca camper need new camper windows? Please contact Willemsen Caravans. We are happy to help you with the purchase and installation of the new window. You can contact us via the contact page or by filling in the quotation form on the website. On this quotationform you need to describe your window in detail so that we can find the right window for your Granduca camper.

Logo Polyplastic. Producer for caravan and camper windows.
Dometic logo. Producer of caravan and camper parts
Logo Plastoform.
Logo Para Press

Willemsen Caravan & Camper Parts B.V.

Zilverstraat 101-105
2718 RP Zoetermeer 
The Netherlands
Phone : +31 15-3695775 (Option 1)
IBAN: NL53 RABO 0307 2959 74
VAT nr: NL858666686B01
Registration number 71316388