Sunlight caravan windows

In July 2005 Hymer AG and Dethleffs GmbH & Co KG co-founded a new company: Capron GmbH. (Caravan Production Neustadt). In October of that year, the buildings of a former agricultural machinery factory in Neustadt/Sachen were bought and production of motorhomes started in November 2006 and that of caravans in February 2007.
Sunlight logo

Hymer releases his models under the name Carado and Dethleffs under the name Sunlight. Already in February 2011, the ten-thousandth vehicle will leave the production line and on April 20, 2012, the fifteen-thousandth vehicle will be produced. Ixus caravans are also built at Capron between 2009 and 2012. 

Ordering caravanwindow for Sunlight
Does your Sunlight caravan need new caravan windows? Please contact Willemsen Caravans. We are happy to help you with the purchase and installation of the new window. You can contact us via the contact page or by filling in the quotation form on the website. On this quotation form you need to describe your window in detail so that we can find the right window for your Sunlight caravan.


Willemsen Caravan & Camper Parts B.V.

Zilverstraat 101-105
2718 RP Zoetermeer 
The Netherlands
Phone : +31 15-3695775 (Option 1)
IBAN: NL53 RABO 0307 2959 74
VAT nr: NL858666686B01
Registration number 71316388